Cygwin에 ACE Library 설치하기

Computer/Linux Tips 2007. 2. 24. 14:29

Versions: Cygwin CYGWIN_NT-5.1
ACE 5.5.1
g++ 3.4.4 (cygming special) (gdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)

(cmake is available by cygwin project)

Before making ACE

  1. Get and decompress tar ball (e.g. /work/ACE_wrappers).
  2. Set an environment variable;
export $ACE_ROOT=/work/ACE_wrappers
  1. Create some symbolic links;
cd $ACE_ROOT/include/makeinclude
ln -s platform_cygwin32.GNU platform_macros.GNU
cd $ACE_ROOT/ace ln -s config-cywin32.h config.h

Setting include path

Compiling ACE generates many errors by default of cygwin. It is because the preprocessor of g++ on cygwin behaved in a strange way. It regards the lines "signal.h" or so on in /usr/include/*.h files as the same name files in ACE.

Solution: To avoid this errors, you should export an environment variable like:




Then you can compile ACE without any errors. This issue is not declaired at the official homepage of ACE/TAO.

Local Installation

To install ACE to your cygwin,

cp -r $ACE_ROOT/ace /usr/local/include
cp $ACE_ROOT/lib/* /usr/local/lib

To tell your cygwin where is the ACE dynamic libraries,

export PATH=/usr/local/lib:$PATH"

cygwin cannot search the libraries without setting PATH variable properly. It's a specification of cygwin.

Additional step to test ACE:

cd $ACE_ROOT/tests

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